We do not accept routine guest posts about any subject. And we do not accept paid posts. Sorry, we do not believe in that. We get offers for paid posts every single day. We have no plans to accept them in the future. All articles pitched to us are based on a case to case basis and those that do not match the editorial theme or quality of the site will be rejected.
New Jersey Stage writers include Danny Coleman, Bob Makin, Bruce Chadwick, Karen Nowosad, Al Nigrin, Charles Paolino, Spotlight Central, Adam F. Cohen, Eric Hillis, and Gary Wien. Photographers like John Posada, Julie Hoffman, and Chris Paul contribute content as well. Everyone involved with the site is a volunteer - a group who love the arts.
If you are in New Jersey and interested in writing for NJ Stage, please send us an email and let us know what your interests are, what areas you're interested in possibly covering, and any previous writing experiences. Note: we do not accept everyone and there is no money for writers.
Syndication: Interested in having your work run at NJ Stage? We have worked out partnerships to syndicate work from other publications and blogs. If this is something you might be interested in, please email us with a link to your work. We will check it out and get back to you.
or region of New Jersey
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