(NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ) -- Dance New Jersey, the state's dance advocacy and education organization with a mission to connect and sustain a diverse and equitable dance community in our state presents DNJFest '25 - A Celebration of Jazz at Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts on Saturday, February 1, 2025. The event features dance luminaries from the casts of Moulin Rouge, Bob Fosse's Dancin’ and the Radio City Rockettes! It runs from 9:30am - 3:00pm.
DNJFest ‘25 is a statewide convergence for NJ dance students and professionals to DANCE, AUDITION, RECRUIT, LEARN, CONNECT. The event gathers hundreds of dancers from around the state for classes, professional development workshops, auditions, conversations, and a wellness-centered vendors market.
“We have created a festival in Celebration of Jazz with something for everyone, filled with opportunities and support services for High School and College dancers and their parents, shared learning, professional development for educators, and recruitment and networking opportunities for member companies and higher education institutions. Dance New Jersey’s mission is to sustain a diverse and equitable dance community in our state, and DNJFest ‘25 is a dynamic and representational expression of that mission. At DNJFest ‘25, everybody is invited to the dance!” -- -Sarah Weber Gallo, Executive Director of Dance New Jersey
Tickets are available for purchase online.
After registration, attendees will receive their schedule for the day via email from DNJ. DNJ professional and organization members receive discounted admission and complimentary lunch at this event!
Highlights Include:
* Two “First Look” Auditions for high school, college, and pre-professional dancers to be seen by area colleges, summer intensives, and professional companies taught by Ricardo A. Zayas
* Fosse-style Jazz with Jovan Dansberry
* Precision Dance with Rutgers alums and Rockettes The Sullivan Twins
* Latin Jazz with Maria Torres
* Street Jazz with Jonathan Lee
* Vendors Market featuring services and products that support dance students, professionals, parents, and business owners
“It was really great because it gave us access to audition for multiple places at once” - Rebecca Flum, student at Union County Performing Arts High School
“Dance New Jersey helps in creating opportunities to share and learn with students, families and our communities: make an impact.” - Nanette Hernandez - 2024 Dance to Learn grantee, 2023 mini-grant awardee
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