"My Italy Story," written by Joseph Gallo, directed by Charlotte Cohn, and starring Michael Notardonato, is a nostalgic exploration of family, heritage and the ties that bind us. Spurred by pleas to help reunite his fractured family, a young man quits his job as a New York account executive and travels to Vallata — the tiny Italian town of his ancestors. Not until he returns home, however, does he discover a secret that unlocks his past.
Loosely inspired by his own experiences, Gallo wrote and originated the one-man show as an homage to family. He is now passing the reigns to Michael Notardonato who most recently appeared in the off-Broadway musical hit, "Romeo and Bernadette." And you may remember distinguished director, Charlotte Cohn, from one of our previous podcasts covering the play, "Canned Goods."
Jersey Arts speaks to the trio about family, the immigrant experience, and the importance of storytelling. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be Italian to appreciate this play or this podcast.
American Theater Group presents "My Italy Story" from October 24-27, 2024 at Hamilton Stage in Rahway and November 1-3, 2024 at Sieminski Theater in Basking Ridge. Tickets are available for purchase online.
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