(TITUSVILLE, NJ) -- Washington Crossing Park Association (WCPA) presents "Table Talk Histories" at the Park's Sullivan Grove Pavilion, near the current Visitors Center Museum, on Sunday, July 28, 2024 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. At 3:00pm, there will be a presentation on impending capital improvements for Washington Crossing State Park including its new Museum and Visitor Center, and other capital improvements in preparation for America's 250th Anniversary celebration.
Local historians and reenactors — many in Revolutionary War era period clothing — will staff a series of tables, each featuring images and objects that highlight a different topic. Members of the First Rhode Island Regiment and the WCPA will explore such topics as: Black soldiers during the Revolution; The integrated unit known as the Marbleheaders; Smallpox inoculation and treatment in the 1700s; Ferry boat operations on the Delaware River; Swan Historical Foundation's Collection of Revolutionary War artifacts, and more!
Preparations for the Park's new Museum & Visitors Center are underway. The WCPA invites you to preview it and other once-in-a-generation capital improvements planned for the park including new signage, roadway improvements, and restoration of the Johnson Ferry House. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) State Parks, Forests and Historic Sites staff will show drawings and a model of this beautiful new state-of-the-art structure, along with details about its exciting features—including the Swan Historical Foundation's Collection of Revolutionary War artifacts, the ca. 1920s George Harding mural, and the restoration of the nearby George Washington Memorial Arboretum. The new Museum & Visitors Center features a green roof, a multipurpose theater, and interactive exhibits.
Stan Saperstein, Hopewell Township’s official Town Crier will invite participants and reenactors to join a 3:00pm presentation on these capital improvements. Refreshments will be provided, and reenactors in Revolutionary War period clothing will be on hand.
Washington Crossing State Park in Titusville, NJ spans more than 3,500 acres along the Delaware River across Mercer and Hunterdon counties. The new Museum and Visitor Center is being funded by corporate business tax revenue with the Preserve New Jersey Act. Additional funds for this project and other capital improvements were allocated by Gov. Phil Murphy through the American Rescue Plan.
The Washington Crossing Park Association is the Park's Officially Recognized Friends Organization. Its mission is to preserve, enhance and advocate for the park and the history it represents.
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