The Affolter Brothers have created an utterly gripping and heart-wrenching documentary with Altona, a film that tells the story of a brutal murder that occurred in Canada in 1990. Having written, edited, directed, and done the animation for the film, these brothers clearly have a wide range of talent that is well used in filmmaking. The style is so assured, with the editing in particular keeping you engaged throughout, though with the story that’s being told, it's hard not to be on the edge of your seat for most of the runtime. The story unfolds as we hear about a man, Earl Giesbrecht, a teen at the time, who murdered another teenager, Curtis Klassen, and attempted to murder Tyler Pelke. Tyler and Curtis were best friends staying at Tyler’s home alone one night, when Earl arrived to commit an unforgivable act. This is where the documentary gets interesting, with Altona being such a faith based town, the film has a heavy theme of forgiveness, among the other themes of loss, destruction, friendship, and love.
The film moves at a break-neck pace at times, going from interviews with victims, family members, or friends, to archive footage from the news, and interspersed with a haunting and beautifully animated recreation of the crime being discussed. The animation really does set the film apart, as while some other documentaries include a similar mode of storytelling, this is one of the more impressively done animations I’ve seen. We see glimpses of it in the fast-moving preamble to the film, but it takes on a whole other dimension as it's introduced during Tyler Pelke’s recounting of the story. The interviewees are also very well chosen and very well-spoken, and gives the audience a great idea of what kind of community is being shown as the backdrop for this horror story. The interviews with friends and family go from lighthearted to tear jerking, as they discuss fond memories of Curtis, as well as show their vulnerable side while talking about their sorrow.
The Affolter Brothers do a fantastic job of deciding who to show when, waiting until the latter half of the film to reveal their interview with Earl Giesbrecht himself. It's all very shocking, especially watching these people discuss such a terrible story with such nonchalance, though it's something they lived with and are fully capable of discussing coherently. Tyler certainly stood out, aside from the fact that he was one of the victims, being a very eloquent and likable person to listen to, recounting his memory of the crime with a cool attitude and a patient mind. The most emotional of the interviews, of course, are with the mothers of the victims, Robin Doerksen and Milly Klassen. These women bring a depth of emotion to the film, bringing, again, a surprisingly calm attitude to the whole production while also letting the audience see their pain and sadness, allowing us to sympathize much more easily. These interviews, along with the more intense sequences of animation, can be very hard to watch, as they should be. The film takes its subject very seriously, allowing all sorts of emotions and perspectives to make a solid and entertaining film, but one that still feels very genuine and respectful.
The Affolter Brothers have hit this one out of the park, and I’ll be sure to be on the lookout for any new projects they may be working on soon. This film is a testament to true crime, loving relationships, and forgiveness, telling a wild story through the lens of a quiet and faithful town. Altona screens at the 2024 New Jersey Interntaional Film Festival this Saturday, June 1st!
The Affolter Brothers’s Altona will be screening with Shame on You on Saturday, June 1, 2024 – Online for 24 Hours on this day and In-Person at 5PM in Voorhees Hall #105/Rutgers University, 71 Hamilton Street, New Brunswick, NJ.
The Rutgers Film Co-op/New Jersey Media Arts Center, in association with the Rutgers University Program in Cinema Studies, presents the 2024 New Jersey International Film Festival which marks its 29th Anniversary. The NJIFF competition will be taking place on the Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays between May 31 - June 9, 2024 and will be a hybrid one with online as well as in-person screenings at Rutgers University. All the films will be available virtually via Video on Demand for 24 hours on their show date. VOD start times are at 12 Midnight Eastern USA. Each General Admission Ticket or Festival Pass purchased is good for both the virtual and the in-person screenings. The in-person screenings will be held in Voorhees Hall #105/Rutgers University, 71 Hamilton Street, New Brunswick, NJ beginning at 5PM or 7PM on their show date. Note: The Screenings on June 1 will be in Milledoler Hall #100/ Rutgers University, 520 George Street, New Brunswick, NJ.
Plus, The NJIFF is very proud to announce that acclaimed singer-songwriter Marissa Nadler will be in concert on Saturday, June 15 in Voorhees Hall #105/Rutgers University, 71 Hamilton Street, New Brunswick, NJ at 7PM. General Admission Ticket=$15 Per Program; Festival All Access Pass=$120; In-Person Only Student Ticket=$10 Per Program; General Admission Marissa Nadler Concert Ticket=$25.
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