New Brunswick ‘90s rockers Transilvia are back together, and “Trapped in Ice” from their 2023 reunion album “Hz” is the Makin Waves Song of the Week. PHOTO BY JOHN RUSSELLO
Having reunited last year with a studio and a live album, ‘90s New Brunswick rockers Transilvia plan to stay together and are working on a new record.
Their last one — and their first in 29 years — “Hz,” featured “Trapped in Ice,” the Makin Waves Song of the Week.
As the Makin Waves Song of the Week, “Trapped in Ice” also can be heard between 6 and 8 p.m. on Jan. 5 on “Radio Jersey” at If you miss it, you can tune in any time in the archives at The Penguin and MixCloud.
“Trapped in Ice” is a breakup song about the future becoming the present, the present becoming the past, said co-founding guitarist-vocalist E. Rex, who wrote the song with former drummer Jon Nicholson a year after Transilvia broke up in 1996.
It had never been properly released until 2023, when Rex and co-founding bassist Jeremy Android reunited and released the “HZ”EP.
The original trio — also drummer-sampler Rodney Craven — are working on new music. This is the lineup responsible for the first three Transilvia albums.
Check them out at
Bob Makin has produced Makin Waves since 1988. Follow Makin Waves on Facebook and contact Bob at
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