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The Art House Gallery presents The Affordable Art Show

originally published: 11/29/2022

(JERSEY CITY, NJ) -- Art House Productions (Executive Director Meredith Burns, Gallery Director Andrea McKenna) presents “The Affordable Art Show,” an annual December event with works priced $500 and under. Curated by Andrea McKenna, the show includes over 150 works of art from 89 artists. Showcasing special pieces with gift-giving in mind, all works are priced to be especially affordable for the holiday season. Works include paintings, small sculptures, handmade gifts, and more! All works will be for sale in the Art House Gallery at The Hendrix at 345 Marin Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ.

The Affordable Art Show will be open starting on JC Fridays, December 2nd from 6:00pm - 9:00pm and then on Saturdays and Sundays December 3rd - December 18th from 12:00pm to 5:00pm. The Gallery will be open Monday December 19th - Thursday, December 22nd from 5:30pm - 8:30pm. There will be a closing holiday party on Friday, December 23rd 6:00pm - 9:00pm.

Art House Productions’ gallery shows are always free and open to the public. Large print for all literature regarding our exhibitions and tactile and descriptive tours are available upon request. Email Andrea McKenna for more information at

“Receiving and giving art is a special experience,” says Executive Director Meredith Burns. “It takes thoughtfulness and love. It also supports a local artist during the holiday season. We hope you take advantage of these one-of-a-kind treasures!”

“This year will be the largest show we’ve ever had and the art is so good! I am very excited to showcase all of these talented artists,” says Gallery Director Andrea McKenna. 

Artists include: Alexandra Avarez, Alex Gulino, Alex Katsenelinboigen, Amy Burns, Amy Hann, Amy Neufeld, Andrea Morin, Ann Harwood, Anna Kasperowitz, Artside, Arshita Shejpal, Art Throw by Sky Madison, Athena Toledo, Barbara Seddon, BARC the dog, Beatrice Mady, Beth DiCara, Brad Turhune, Brian Romeo, Brittany Vogal, Buttered Roll, Chee Bravo, Cheryl Riley, Cheryl Gross, Claudia Ross, Cut Paste Face, Carmen Vega, David Nicolato, Deb Sinha, Donchellee Fulwood, Eileen Ferara, Elena Barabashova, Emerlyn Deline, Erica Resnick, Erika Gehringer, Erin DeLaney, Gail-Marie Boykewich, Gillian Wainwright, Guillermo Bublik, Isabelle_Duverger, Jada Fabrizio, Janhavi Firke, Jay Golding, Jaya Duvvuri, Jeanne Brasile, Jennifer Morris, Jeremy Stolk, Jim Fallon, Jim Fischer, Josh Urso, Juan Bravo, Kasia Skorynkiewicz, Katharine Hampton, Kevin McCaffrey, Kim Bricker, Kristian Battell, Lawrence Ciarallo, Lisa Collodoro, Lucy Rovetto, Mariette Boerstoel, Marilyn Reyes, Megan Klim, Michelle Farro, Miguel Cardenas, Modal Visions, Monifa Kincaid, Mustart, Nohi Mehrotra, Olivia Wilber, Ovidija Paulter, Patrick McCoy, Paul Andress, Paul Wirhun, Philippe Halaburda, Stephanie Guillen, Shiva Jlayer, Sue Nilsson, Susan Evans Grove, Suzan Globus, Tali Rose Krupkin, Tanvi Malushte, Teri Fiore, Theda Sandiford, Tina Maneca, Valter Guevarra, Vincent Minervini, Vincint Salvati, William Figdor and Winifred McNeill. 

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Art House Productions is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to the development and presentation of the performing and visual arts in Jersey City, NJ. Art House Productions presents theater, performing and visual arts festivals, arts events, visual art exhibitions, and adult and youth art classes.  

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