(BARNEGAT, NJ) -- The Ocean County Library Barnegat Branch presents a collection of artwork by multiple award-winning local artist Nadine Yura throughout the month of May. Nadine’s striking artwork depicts still lifes, figuratives, and landscapes with an expressive style, in oils, watercolor, charcoal and ink. The month-long exhibit at the Branch, 112 Burr Street, is free and open to the public.
Nadine has exhibited extensively in group and solo shows throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania, winning awards in Manahawkin, Loveladies, and Paramus. Her works have been featured in local and Ocean County publications.
The Pine Shores Art Association and American Impressionist Society member recalled that she began drawing her own compositions as a grade-schooler, and amassed awards before completing high school.
“College brought my artistic abilities to a higher level,” Nadine said, acknowledging her Rutgers University instructors’ roles in developing her techniques. “Although I paint and draw a wide variety of subjects in an impressionistic, sometimes abstract manner, I have a desire to express emotion through color as well as black and white, through a style that connects with many tastes,” she has said.
IMAGE: "Sunflowers" - Courtesy Nadine Yura