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Makin Waves Song of the Week: "Hey!" by Colossal Street Jam

by Bob Makin
published 2025-02-21

The Makin Waves Song of the Week, "Hey!," is the latest single and video from Colossal Street Jam's long-awaited LP "No Way to Live."


New Jersey Stage: Daily Edition 02-21-25

Here is the morning update from New Jersey's arts newswire. We regularly publish between 8-15 new articles and news reports each day. Nobody covers the Arts throughout the Garden State like New Jersey Stage!

Lewis Center for the Arts' Program in Theater & Music Theater presents Foibles and Fables: Songs of Magic and Memory!

(PRINCETON, NJ) -- The Lewis Center for the Arts' Program in Theater and Music Theater will present Foibles and Fables: Songs of Magic and Memory!, a concert of original and Broadway songs performed by the Princeton Playhouse Ensembles led by Solon Snider Sway and featuring guest Broadway and Grammy performers and musicians. Directed by faculty member Aaron Landsman and cosponsored by the Department of Music, the concert is on Saturday, March 1, 2025 at the Berlind Theatre at McCarter Theatre Center, 91 University Place on the Princeton campus. Showtime is 7:00pm.

Rock On! This Week's Sound Bites...2/20/25

by Danny Coleman
published 2025-02-20

"We're really excited," began Allie Colleen, "We spoke to some people last week who have seen a couple of shows at the winery who said they were really good shows and they were acoustic shows. So, I'm really interested to soundcheck the band because soundcheck is my favorite thing; it sounds so whimsical and maybe a little silly but it's like the first time you get to meet somebody. It's the first time you get to sing in a room and nobody is in there and your show is gonna be so different later hopefully; hopefully people show up and there are a lot of people in the room and it's gonna be a little different. There is something really cool about that for me. I had a little tiny stage in this sports barn that we had on my family's property and that's where I spent all of my time, alone on this little stage that was about an inch off of the ground but it was a stage, it wasn't floor level and I thought that was the coolest thing and I think something like that has made me fall in love with big empty rooms to sing in." 

Jersey Arts Podcast: Baseball History Inspires Young Audiences in 'Catching the Moon'

by Maddie Orton,
published 2025-02-20

Catching the Moon: The Story of a Young Girl's Baseball Dream is a musical based on the children's book of the same title written by Crystal Hubbard. It tells the story of Marcenia Lyle, a young, Black girl growing up in the 1930s who went on to become Toni Stone, the first female to play as a regular for an all-male professional baseball team.