George Street Playhouse presents SMALL from January 14 through February 2, 2025. This is a Penguin Rep Theatre production written and performed by Robert Montano (The Steel Man), and directed by Jessi D. Hill (Daniel's Husband). From the racetrack to the stage, Robert Montano shares his extraordinary true story of resilience and reinvention through the highs and lows of an unconventional life.
Once a jockey grappling with the pressures and struggle to stay “SMALL,” Montano overcame immense odds to pursue a new passion: professional dance. With Rocky-like determination, Montano’s award-nominated performance and highly entertaining coming-of-age journey is about a boy transforming into a man by following his heart...and his feet.
SMALL had its world premiere at Penguin Rep Theatre with preceding runs at 59E59 Theaters and People’s Light. The show was nominated for Outstanding Solo Performance at the Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Awards in 2024.
SMALL features scenic design by Christopher and Justin Swader, lighting design by Jamie Roderick, and sound design by Brian Ronan. “Curly” Karen Schleifer will serve as the Production Stage Manager.