As a young boy growing up in small-town Lafayette, Indiana, Jeremy’s impressionable young heart watched his parents model this behavior on a regular basis. It was not uncommon for Jeremy to accompany his father to a local prison or boys’ home to minister through words and music, and when his father started a church when Jeremy was only 14, his eyes were truly opened to the remarkable impact of pastoring and ministering. Between caring and providing for him and his siblings and his father entering full-time ministry, the importance of caring for and loving well the people put in your path was not lost on the blue-eyed boy with an affinity for music.
But like any other adolescent who grew up in the church and acquired the pastor’s kid label, Jeremy faced his own doubts, temptations and rebellion. As a teen, he found himself living a double life—partying and drinking behind his parents’ back and showing up with his halo seemingly intact on Sunday mornings. But at 16 years old, listening to a pastor at youth camp, Jeremy heard God say to him, “I want to use you, but you’re on the edge of a cliff. You’re about ready to jump off. You need to run as far away from the cliff as possible.”