From the producers of The Underwater Bubble Show (Winner of the 2018 Merlin Award for “Best Family Show”) comes another colorful, visionary show for the entire family. Be ready to experience an amazing journey in the crazy world of Wonderland!
Based on Alice’s adventures, Dreaming of Wonderland is an action-packed and exciting Theatrical Circus show full of surprises and amazing Circus acts, enhanced with video projection mapping and live music.
The synopsis is that there is no synopsis! This is the heritage of Alice’s world…Dreaming of Wonderland is an interactive performance where you will meet all the most popular characters of Alice’s adventures. But be aware, as you will need to open your imagination to enter Wonderland because, as Alice says: “Everyone wants a magical solution to their but refuses to believe in magic!”
So, follow the White Rabbit, pass through the hole, join us at the Tea Party and enjoy your time!
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