A heartwarming story about superheroes, friendship, and colorful building blocks—The LEGO Batman Movie! In the spirit of fun that made The Lego Movie a worldwide phenomenon, Lego Batman (voiced by Will Arnett) now stars in his own big-screen adventure with Robin (Michael Cera), Batgirl (Rosario Dawson), and Alfred (Ralph Fiennes). When a crew of legendary villains wreaks havoc on Gotham City, loner hero Batman must learn to rely on teamwork to save the day.
State Theatre New Jersey's FREE Summer Movies Series features morning and evening weekday screenings. Experience your favorite films on our gigantic 46’ screen, with our state-of-the-art sound system, in our historic renovated theater!
Rated PG
All movies will include Spanish subtitles.
STNJ is partnering with the Central Jersey Diaper Bank for a diaper drive during the Summer Movie Series. We encourage everyone attending the movies to consider bringing a package of diapers or wipes to donate. Your donation will help us provide essential items to families who may be struggling to make ends meet. Together, we can make a difference.