At the age of twelve, Jonas, a young boy from a seemingly utopian, futuristic world, is singled out to receive special training from The Giver, who alone holds the memories of the true joys and pain of life. In the process, Jonas is forces to question everything in his ideal world: a world without conflict, poverty, unemployment, divorce, injustice, or inequality.
This Literature to Life Award winner marked the first young adult novel on the Literature to Life roster. Adapted by Elise Thoron, this piece features sixty minutes of solo performance focusing on the relationship between the young Jonas and his mentor, The Giver. As Jonas trains to become the Receiver of Memories, the buried truth about the world that he was born into becomes hauntingly clear to both Jonas and the audience.
This performance fulfills the following State of New Jersey Core Curriculum Standard(s) and Algonquin Arts Performance Component(s): 21st Century Life and Careers (LIFE), Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, Social Studies (SS) Visual and Performing Arts (VPA), Language Arts Literacy (LAL), Music Education (MUS), Discussion Component (DISC)