Reykjavik Fringe Diary #3b
James Dalton, a performer and songwriter from New Jersey, is performing his show "Asbury Park & Me" at the Reykjavík Fringe Festival in Iceland. He will be blogging for NJ Stage from the festival. Here are more photos from day 3.
Reykjavik Fringe Diary #3
James Dalton, a performer and songwriter from New Jersey, is performing his show "Asbury Park & Me" at the Reykjavík Fringe Festival in Iceland. He will be blogging for NJ Stage from the festival. Here is his latest post.
Reykjavik Fringe Diary #2
The sun goes down and all, but as you may have heard, it doesn't get dark here in Iceland. It's continually light. My first night here, before the supposed "sunset" that happens just after midnight, there were people on the basketball court nearby shooting hoops. Quietly and all, but for reals, unless it's cloudy, it's as good as daytime and if you need it to be dark to tell your body to sleep... good luck.
Reykjavik Fringe Diary #1
So here it is, my first morning here in Iceland, eyes opening in the bottom bunk of a hostel bed, sharing a room with a few fellow performers as well as some divers and an academic here for some sort of EU conference. The performers and I have landed in town, all of us having had a marathon yesterday that began on Sunday and muddled its lovely way through to the midnight sun of Tuesday through laughs, naps coffee and public transportation.