After Southside Johnny announced he was retiring from touring in December, we reached out to some SSJ fans to pay tribute to Johnny. Responses kept coming in after the first tribute, so here are a few more tributes. You can see the first tribute here.
Musician Hesh - Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes were, to me, the total sound of the Jersey Shore, even more so than Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. It was the sound of the beach, the boardwalk, the ocean, the clubs, the hot sultry nights along the Shore in the summertime. And to me, along with Bruce, the sound of the mythical Jersey Shore I held onto during my twelve years away from the place in my teens and early twenties, when I wanted to be there more than anywhere else.
I first heard “Trapped Again” when it first came out in 1978, about a month after I came back home to Long Beach, New York from an epochal, life-changing, coming-of-age Thanksgiving weekend at the Jersey Shore at the tender and impressionable age of thirteen. It was like I heard the entire Shore wrapped up in 4:13 of music.
Less than a year later, in July 1979, I moved with my family to Israel. It felt like the floor were yanked out from underneath me and I struggled to find my place in my new surroundings. Some American music was played on the radio over there but there was a lot of music I had loved in the USA that was simply unheard of in Israel at the time. In 1980, Bruce’s The River made its way to the Israeli airwaves and I felt partially vindicated. But Southside remained only in my memory (I hadn’t had the presence of mind to buy or otherwise obtain the record before I had moved).
But then, toward the end of my sophomore year in high school, I was studying for my math finals at the home of a tutor my parents had hired. I sat at his dining-room table and waited for him as he tended to his infant son in the next room; he had the radio on in the kitchen, playing a mix of music. Suddenly, out of the ether, I heard that familiar electric piano intro. Could it be? Could it really be?
Well, it was. And I hung on to every word, every note … it was as if Southside were singing straight to me from the other side of the world, telling me to hang on and keep the faith. I did not want the song to end, and I desperately didn’t want the tutor to finish up in the next room and shut the radio off!
But he didn’t, and for good measure, the DJ followed it up with Bruce’s “Hungry Heart”! So someone over there at the Israeli radio station was familiar with Asbury Park music! And for a moment, I didn’t feel so all alone and cut off from the place I loved so much.
Filmmaker Sean Guess - Southside Johnny is like breathing to me, It is deep to the soul and deep in my bones. His albums have been there for me since 1977. I saw him when I just six and Mr. Popeye befriended my family. Kenny and Southside were amazing on “It Ain't The Meat It's the Motion”. My new favorite song at the time.
And the age of 7, I got first real Jukes jacket. Made the Wilcox. I was hooked. I also purchased news boy cap like Mr Popeye. Southside would always take it off and throw in the audience.
In 1978, at a Hearts of Stone concert, my big moment came when Southside asked white shades. He pretend to wear them and the gave me his trademark sunglasses that he own. After. I wanted Southside shade for the real ones were locked safely away my father draw.
Then I got two of things: a fully signed Hearts of Stone in a bag that Stone Hill Seanny. Which led to keep that name until my friends when I moved to West Deal started calling me Westside Seanny.
I went backstage and took pictures and talked to Southside.
I also had a time when he called to me during a singing of The Jukes album. He yelled out "Sean, where is your mother.” It didn't hurt that my two teenage cousins, were there.
He was my everything. His music spoke to me like people could hear themselves in The Beatles.
I knew I was special in 1994 when he cursed me out. I was told by Bobby Bandiera. He only does to people he cares about. Laugh out loud.
There always Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes, tape, CD or Apple nano - what every media it was on.
He even allowed me to use any songs in the films at the time. Which there were six in all. If they were about the Jersey shore, that had Southside's music in them.
In December, it me like a bolt of lightning when Southside said he was retiring. It was like losing your uncle. He is and always be in my heart and soul. Some would say that is not healthy. But as SouthSide would probably say "screw you!” I will always love the greatest Juke of them all, Southside Johnny Lyon.
Southside Johnny Wrote Me a Letter!! by Ruth Calia Stives
Throughout my life I’ve been a letter writer. To penpals, to elected officials (!), to musicians and other performers that I loved.
Sometimes the famous people responded, and I was always surprised. With so much going on in their lives it seemed unfair to expect responses.
After seeing Southside Johnny numerous times, and listening to his albums on constant rotation, I wrote him a note sometime in the late 1980s to say how much I appreciated his talent, and how much I enjoyed his performances.
I wish I had saved the envelope from his response so I could remember more clearly exactly when it arrived, but I was thrilled to unfold a large sheet of legal yellow pad paper with a fairly lengthy note. On that page he displayed his great sense of humor, his artistic vulnerability, and his kindness, which emphasized the fact that his fans mean a lot to him.
I hope he is taking care of himself now, secure in the knowledge that he contributed greatly to the music that fuels the energies – and the memories – of millions of people around the world.
Music fan Susan Carpuso - I currently live in Ohio. However, I was raised in Philadelphia, with that being said, at that time 1975 through 1978. It was somewhat safe to hitch to Jersey. I fell instantly in love with john and his jukes. Once again I moved to Ohio and have put many miles on the road to see the band anytime I could, my kids are now 49 years old and have listened to him for years. My granddaughter wanted to go see him so I drove to seaside so she could. Once again, it was a great show, she said to me “Grandma Sue I have seen you so happy.” I told her it was fantastic that she wanted to go.
She met my juke sisters. I have met so many wonderful people through Johnny's shows. We have special bonds between us. Again I must say I have followed them for many years as I am now 65 years old and I had so many shows. But it was never enough. I will miss John but I was blessed many times to meet up with him. I actually have my own ssj room with loads of pics and vinyls signed item etc. Keep us updated. Many memories were made.
I have been to more than 100 shows lost count I have driven out of state many times to see his shows. I loved the drive inn show during covid. Took the drive from ohio. I have been a passionate fan and he always was my number one. I have met so many of his fans and we remain through phone conversations since I currently live in Ohio.
I have met him personally and South has signed so much for me I actually have a room that is devoted to him. More than you know, I now understand how my mother felt when her favorite Elvis was no longer with us. Music is a passion and Southside had it within him. I hope to see him sometime again. I gave him a picture once in Cleveland and he asked if he could keep it. Of course, I said. Let's hope he feels better and plays again. Thank you his #1 fan from Cleveland.
Music writer/musician Rich Lynch - It was the summer of 1983. As a recent high-school graduate I felt an air of invincibility as an unknown and exciting future awaited me in the coming fall. But, for now many of the familiarities of life were still in place and dominant when my then girlfriend Maria suggested we go the Meadowlands Racetrack in East Rutherford, New Jersey on Friday, July 15 for a night of betting on the horses that would be followed by a free concert by Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes.
What Maria had neglected to tell me is that we would load up my wholly unhip but oh so accommodating 1972 Oldsmobile Impala station wagon with more than a half a dozen of her friends who also recently graduated from the area's Catholic high schools to pursue a few activities that would have had their teachers flipping their habits if they knew what we were up to. But, those days - and being beholden to burdensome authority figures were now happily in the past - or where they?
The night and racing went long and it wasn't until well after the final thoroughbred had cleared the paddock that the legendary Southside would take the stage with an energetic "I'm So Anxious". At the completion of the opening number Maria came over and whispered something in my ear that elevated my own anxiety and brought my Friday night party to a quick and abrupt end.
"Mary needs to be home by midnight!"
It was already after 11 pm and we were at least 30 minutes south of our Bergen Country home base as Southside broke into "I Don't Want to Go Home" and I didn't want to budge. But, for some reason I relented and as Johhny Lyon's best number neared its end I begrudgingly began my foul-mouthed exit from the venue.
"I Don't Want to Go Home, I Don't Want to f***ing Go Home", I wailed on my way out, singing loudly along with Southside and never meaning the sentiment more than I did on that summer night in the Garden State.
Two songs. Two stinking songs is all I got that night. When I think back on it now I am sure I would do things differently and not be such a nice-guy pushover. But, I also went to Catholic School and my mother raised me to be respectful of women and to always do the right thing.
But, with the benefit of hindsight and decades of wisdom under my belt - if I could go back now to that Friday a long time ago - Mary would be walking home.
Here's the setlist from the show I mostly missed:
I'm So Anxious
I Don't Want to Go Home
Talk to Me
Trash It Up
Can't Stop Thinking of You
The Fever
Why Is Love Such a Sacrifice?
Trapped Again
Having a Party
All I Want Is Everything
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