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Rock On! This Week's Sound Bites...7/20/23

By Danny Coleman

originally published: 07/20/2023

"I've actually written two books, this is my second book on the Allman Brothers. My first one, "One Way Out: The Inside History of the Allman Brothers Band" came out in 2014 which was a complete oral history of the band from before they formed up until their last show. This one is called "Brothers and Sisters: The Allman Brothers Band and the Album That Defined the '70s" and it focuses really intently around the era of the album "Brothers and Sisters" but not just on the album; it covers from 1971 when Duane Allman died to 1976 when they broke up for the first time." 

Pittsburgh, PA native, New York Times best-selling author and current New Jersey resident Alan Paul has written multiple books. Over the years he has written a Stevie Ray Vaughn biography and several on the Allman Brothers Band prompting quotes such as, "Alan Paul is rock's finest narrative storyteller" and "If you want to know the real deal, read Alan Paul." 

So, it is no surprise that his latest effort has thus far received critical acclaim but what may be surprising is the path he has taken to get here and how he turned his love of music and the Allman Brothers Band into a life-long journey; a journey you can hear about in person at Words Bookstore in Maplewood, NJ tonight at 7:30 p.m. 

"How I got so interested is a long and convoluted answer but I'll try to give it to you quick," he began with a laugh. "I always loved the band since I was 12 or 13 years old around eighth grade, I grew up in Pittsburgh, my Social Studies teacher assigned an essay on a great American and I chose Duane Allman. I wish I could go back and interview 13 year old me about why I was so fascinated with him because it is interesting to me and I'm not quite sure; I just loved him. I had an older brother, who like many people, including Warren Haynes; he and I have spoken often about our older brothers and the big influence they've had on our music tastes and my brother had a huge role in that. I was just always attracted to them and when I became a journalist I started writing about them as a regular journalist and through that I developed good relationships with especially Dickie Betts and Warren Haynes as I was writing mostly for "Guitar World" at the time. Then I became friends with some of the crew, including Kirk West who was the "Tour Mystic," that was his title; he was the tour manager and so much more that they gave him the title of a "Mystic." Through him, I started to be able to have access backstage and to going on the road with them a bit and things like that and that's when I sort of transitioned from being a regular journalist writing about them to more of an insider which led to the book."

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Ages such as 12 or 13 are somewhat formative or perhaps transitional may be a better term but according to Paul he really began appreciating music in general and what the Allmn Brothers were about a little later in his teen years. 

"Like I said, I wish I could go back and interview 12 or 13 year old me and find out; he just really appealed to me," he continued. "It's easier for me to analyze what I like about it as an adult as I got more into music. I went to the University of Michigan and stumbled into a job literally in my first week or two there at a place called Rick's American Cafe. I was just trying to make some money and at first I was a bus boy, then a door man and then a waiter and the place had music five nights a week.and I was always into music, I went to a lot of shows as a kid but my real passion for live music was developed by the luck I had stumbling into that job. The place had great music; 10,000 Maniacs, Fishbone, NRBQ came through there but what they really excelled at was the Blues. I saw Koko Taylor, Son Seals, Lonnie Brooks, Albert Collins, Buddy Guy, Robert Cray and Johnny Copeland and what I saw was incredible to me. Often I'd see those guys two nights in a row and when I circled back and started listening to Rock again, a lot of it sounded over produced and sterile to me but the Allman Brothers managed to thread that needle where as I was getting into Blues and then Jazz; I lost my interest in a lot of Rock music but I never lost my interest in the Allman Brothers. They were able to be rooted in Blues and Jazz while of course being a rock band. So, to me, they became one of the only groups that could hit you in the head, the heart and the emotions all at the same time and to me they are just totally unique. Maybe I had some instinct of all that when I was 12 or 13 without being able to totally understand it or verbalize it; I wish I could understand that part of it better."

Primarily a writer for the aforementioned "Guitar World" magazine, Alan had access to many of music's biggest names but it seems he never strayed far from his love of the Allman Brothers. So ;what was the impetus for wanting to write a book?  

"The first one; I was writing about them for 25 years and you'd think that I would've thought about writing a book a little earlier," he laughed once again. "It just finally kind of dawned on me that I was sitting on so much great information and I started pulling it together. The year 2009 was their 40th Anniversary and I wrote a very extensive cover story for "Guitar World" magazine in the oral history format and that was the first time that it really struck me. I was like, wow, this is a great magazine article but it is still only scratching the surface and if I can take every one of these little sections and expand them by four times; I'll really have something. So, it was from about 2009 when I had that idea until 2014 when the book came out where I was contemplating that but with this one, I was not planning on writing another Allman Brothers book at all but I had a long conversation during the pandemic; one of the upsides of the pandemic for a lot of us is that we talked on the phone more (laughs) and I had a long conversation with Brad Tolinski a long time friend and the editor of "Guitar World" for 25 years and we'd both written a few books at that point and we'd help each other and give each other ideas and we were talking about what to do next. So, we were talking about what to do next and he said, "I think that "Brothers and Sisters" is an unexplored era for the Allman Brothers" and I said, geez, I don't want to write another Allman Brothers book. He said, "You're crazy!  You've got all of this expertise about a band that people care about and that is an important band in the history of Rock; I think you should do it" and we had a long conversation and I started exploring it. I decided pretty quickly that he was right. I thank him for the idea; what was really interesting about that era of the Allman Brothers was that it was their most popular era. They had their only real hit single "Ramblin' Man" and it was by far their best selling record. They never had that line-up again where it was one lead guitar player, Dickie Betts and a piano player, they were always a two guitar band.The piano player was Chuck Leavell who was an incredible piano player who has been the piano player for The Rolling Stones now for about 40 years and I think their music director but because it was a singular era and they never really sounded like that again; I felt it kind of drifted away and it wasn't really explored. There was so much in that era, the album itself, Greg Allman had just started his solo career, there was the Watkins Glen concert which was an incredible event that drew 600,000 plus people to the racetrack with the Grateful Dead and The Band which became two chapters in the book. It started off as one but there was too much to cover in one. Then there was the relationship with the Grateful Dead, not just Watkins Glen but it really peaked in that era.They did shows together at RFK Stadium in DC that drew 80,000 people; they were in the center of so much. There are people that pop-up in this book that are crazy; Geraldo Rivera appears a couple of times, Jimmy Carter because they were heavily involved in the Carter campaign and that's a thread that runs through the book and then Greg got married to Cher and there was a birth of a whole new celebrity culture; they were on one of the early covers of "People" magazine. So, there was just so much happening and all of it is covered in the book, it was a lot of fun because there was so much more than just writing about the album." 

Going from not wanting to write another book on the same subject to writing a book on the same subject has its drawbacks and its benefits and this time Paul had a "Secret weapon" as well as some favorite moments while putting what he termed this "Daunting" project together.

"One Way Out" was in an oral history format so it was a collection of quotes carefully put together to create a narrative structure and they were all interviews that I did myself; 25 years of interviews and many new ones as well. "Brothers and Sisters" is quite different. There is a lot from my 25 years of interviews but I did a lot of new ones with Chuck Leavell and Jaimoe the original founding drummer, I also went back and had a lot of material from other interviews that I wasn't able to use before and I also did a ton of archival reading. So, there is a bibliography here that's probably about 10 or 12 pages long; probably 50 or 60 books, hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles, court cases, online interviews and then, my secret weapon, which sort of came out of the blue and was sort of a lifetime of working towards although not directly; Kirk West who I mentioned earlier and was the person who brought me in as sort of an insider was a super-fan and a fantastic photographer. During the '80s when the band was broken up, he decided to write a book on the Allman Brothers. So, he went around for about two years, mostly 1986 and '87 and he interviewed everybody in the band and a lot of other people like the road crew, promoters, lighting crew and managers for the purpose of writing a book. Then they reformed in 1989 and hired him initially as the tour manager and he never wrote the book, he became an employee of the band. So, his tapes were sort of gathering dust in his office in Macon, Georgia and mostly he had never even listened to them with the exception of a handful and he did a few short articles for a magazine but mostly he hadn't listened to them. So, when I started writing this book, Kirk called me and offered me the tapes. So, I flew down to Macon in September of 2021 and I came home with the tapes; hundreds and hundreds of hours of interviews; it was a wonderful but very daunting job. I had to digitize and listen to and then figure out how to transcribe hundreds of hours of interviews which was a lot of work that was fascinating and incredible because I was listening to these great interviews that had never been heard and because of the time period; they were broken up and they were talking to Kirk who was someone they trusted and didn't worry about tricking or taking advantage of them; they were very open. So, you have Greg talking about Dickie Betts and Dickie Betts talking about Greg and all of them talking about Duane Allman and the ups and the downs, it was really fascinating and those quotes are all over the book.Even beyond that, it had a  bigger impact on my understanding. So, there is a lot of stuff that's not directly from those interviews but it deepened my understanding, I mean, obviously, I had written a book, "One Way Out" so I had a very good understanding and knowledge of the band before I started this project but I developed an even more deep and thorough understanding from the research and those interviews." 

"There are a few moments that stood out, I can't just pick one," he continued to explain. "There are a few things that I was really delighted by and I think that readers will be too because if I was surprising myself after all these years, I figured I'd be surprising the readers. One was what became the two chapters on Watkins Glen. I knew a lot about Watkins Glen, I knew the basics, I had written about it in "One Way Out" but with this I went way deeper. I realized that I had the perspective of the Allman Brothers through mine and Kirk's interviews, the band members and management. I had the perspective of the promoters Jim Koplik and Shelley Finkel, I had the perspective of the Grateful Dead through their manager Sam Cutler and Phil Lesh, Bob Weir and a couple of the crew members, I had the perspective of The Band who were the third group there through Robbie Robertson and Levon Helm and I had Bill Graham but what I lacked was the voices of the people that were there. There were 600 to 650,000 people there and what I realized was, they were really the story; even more so than the bands. So, I put out a call to people who had been there and ended up hearing from about 100 people; I was overwhelmed by how many responded. I had to whittle that down but I talked to a lot of people and their stories were incredible. Once I was able to make sense of that and put their views into it, I feel like it really came alive. So, I do feel that I was able to give a 360 degree view from the bands, the promoters and the people in the audience including even some emergency medical technicians that were there, so I was really pleased with those two chapters.The other thing that stands out for me is; I spoke to Cameron Crowe the great author, writer and filmmaker about this because he did a lot of writing about the Allman Brothers. His movie, "Almost Famous" which is one of my personal favorite movies is really based on his experience with the Allman Brothers Band in 1973 when he was on the road writing a cover story for Rolling Stone Magazine. I was able through conversations, primarily with him, some other people and the interviews from Kirk, to piece together the real story of what happened with Cameron Crowe on the road with the Allman Brothers which led to Greg confiscating his tapes and gave birth to the idea that became "Almost Famous." So, that's another chapter that I was really excited about and proud of and happy to put out into the world. The chapter will blow your mind because I really laid it out there. This is the one way that it gets a little easier every time; when I wrote "One Way Out" I was basically just a guy from "Guitar World" Magazine writing a book about the Allman Brothers and a lot of people liked that book and Cameron Crowe had read that as well as my Stevie Ray Vaughn biography, "Texas Flood." So, it was much easier to get him and people like him to open up and talk to me and share their stories. So, there is a little bit of a process and a continuation; it was similar with the promoters from Watkins Glen, they had read "One Way Out" and really liked it so it was easy to get them to talk to me and want to be a part of it. That is the helpful part of writing about the same artist; there are things like that which I hadn't even really thought about and couldn't have anticipated until I actually did it."

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Paul will be ready to field your questions and sign books this evening in Maplewood but he also has another event approaching in New York City which is much more involved; shall you miss this one or wish to see him again.

"You can buy the book from anywhere books are sold but if you're in New Jersey I urge you to purchase it from Words Bookstore here in Maplewood. I'm signing books here now and will continue to do so as long as I'm here and Words is here, which hopefully we'll both be for a very long time; you can come here and get signed copies of my books because I come here and sign them all of the time. I will be here speaking on July 20 at 7:30 p.m. and I have a big event on July 30 in New York at The City Winery which is a music event and book signing. I'll be signing books and my band Friends of the Brothers is playing with special guests including three sons of the Allman Brothers; Duane Betts, son of Dickie, Lamar Williams Junior, son of Lamar, and Vaylor Trucks, son of Butch who also happens to be the cute little kid on the cover of "Brothers and Sisters." That's pretty special and you can get links to all of that on my website and see all of that information there or on my Facebook page which is easy to find."

To Discover more about Alan Paul and his fascinating career, please visit

That's it for this week! Please continue to support live and original music and until next week....ROCK ON!

This week's event listings

All Saints Church
16 All Saints Road Princeton
Sat. 2:30 p.m. "You're The Top!" Feat. music from "The Great American Songbook" (FREE event / Donations graciously accepted) 
Al's Airport Inn
636 Bear Tavern Road West Trenton
(609) 883-5252 
Thurs. 5 p.m. Ant Cannuli
Sat. (12 p.m.) Acoustic Brunch w/ Jerry Monk (5 p.m.) Rick Winow 
Sun. (12 p.m.) Sunday Acoustic Brunch w/  (6 p.m.) 
Mon. 5 p.m. Joe Hutchinson
Tues. 7 p.m. Mike & Laura
Wed. (4 p.m.) LGBTQ Happy Hour (7 p.m.) Redbird Flying Solo  
Ancient Order of Hibernians 
2419 Kuser Road Hamilton 
Fri. 7 p.m. Open Mic Night
Aristaeus Brewing
2475C Big Oak Road Langhorne, PA 
(215) 757-2337
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Fri. 7 p.m. Bill Thomas 
Sat. 3 p.m. Brieann Wall
Sun. 10 a.m. “Sunday Funday Brunch” (3 p.m.) Matt Kresge  
Arts Council of Princeton 
102 Witherspoon Street Princeton 
(609) 924-8777 
Mon. 6 p.m. Weekly Open Drawing Studio w/ Live Model
Ashlynn Distillery 
32 West Bridge Street Morrisville, PA 
Thurs. 5 p.m. Cecil & Carl
Fri. 6 p.m. SoulShine
Sat. 3 p.m. Dueling Pianos
Wed. 6 p.m. Bill Shannon
Bill's Olde Tavern
2694 Nottingham Way Hamilton
(609) 586-0192
Fri. 7 p.m. Moot Davis
Sat. 7 p.m. Best of Clapton 
Mon. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Tues. 8 p.m. / Wed. 8 p.m. Karaoke 
Ages 21+
Bit-hin' Kitten Brewery
58-B East Bridge Street Morrisville, PA
(267) 799-5348
Sun. 4 p.m. Golden Oldies Duo
Wed. 7 p.m. Quizzo
Blue Bottle Cafe
101 East Broad Street Hopewell
(609) 333-1710
Wed. 6 p.m. Brian Elliot
Bordentown City
Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown  
Fri. 7 p.m. "Frightening Fridays!" Haunted History Tours. $20
Sat. 12 p.m. Bordentown Walking Tours. $20 
Boro Bean 
9 East Broad Street Hopewell 
(609) 466-6681 
Sat./Sun.11 a.m. John Abbott 
Bowman's Tavern 
1600 River Road New Hope, PA 
(215) 862-2972
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Dave Dales Trio
Fri. (5:30 p.m.) Bennett Lee (8 p.m.) Bob Egan 
Sat. 6 p.m. Liz DuFour
Sun. (12 p.m.) Bill Avayou (6 p.m.) Lorenzo
Wed. 6 p.m. Liz DuFour  
Bristol Riverside Theater 
2501 Bath Road Bristol, PA
(215) 785-0100 
Thurs. 8 p.m. "Roots and Boots" w/ Aaron Tippin, Collin Raye, Sammy Kershaw 
Sun. 3 p.m. A Musical Variety Show w/ "The Red Garter Band" 
Broken Goblet Brewing
2500 State Road Bensalem, PA
(267) 812-5653
Thurs. 7 p.m.  Mike Estabrook
Sat. 8 p.m. EMO Night Karaoke
Sun. 11 a.m. Sunday Brunch 
Tues. 7 p.m. Cornhole ($20 buy-in)
Wed. 8 p.m. Trivia Hosted by Righteous Jolly
Brother's Pizza 
871 Highway 33 Hamilton 
(609) 586-2727
Wed. 6 p.m. Ant Cannuli
Bucks County Brewery and Hewn Spirits 
31 Appletree Lane Pipersville, PA
(215) 766-7711
Sat. 5:30 p.m. ZenDog
Bucks On Bridge
25 Bridge Street Lambertville
(609) 483-2615
Tues. 5 p.m. Chess Night
Wed. 6 p.m. Trivia
Burlington County Fairgrounds and Pavillion
1960 Jacksonville Jobstown Road Columbus
(609) 265-5858
Thurs. 6 p.m. Quilting 101 Demonstration
Fri. (5:30 p.m.) Children's Decorated Wagon Contest (6 p.m.) Farm to Table w/ Chef Amanda (8 p.m.) Flower Pounding w/ Loretta
Sat. (4 p.m.) Acoustic Explorer (5 p.m.) Gardening, Basket Weaving, Leggo Demonstrations
Candlelight Lounge 
24 Passaic Street Trenton  
(609) 695-9612 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Thursday Night Blues Jam. $5
Sun. 3 p.m. Victor North. $20
Catch A Rising Star (Hyatt Regency Princeton) 
102 Carnagie Center Princeton
(781) 568-1471
Fri. 8 p.m. Sonya Vai, Abby Washuta. Hosted by Jay Silverberg $26.50, Doors open at 7:30 p.m.
Sat. 7:30 p.m.  Sonya Vai, Abby Washuta. Hosted by Jay Silverberg.$26.50, Doors open at 7 p.m.  
Cazz's Sports Bar 'N' Grille
1560 Haines Road Levittown, PA 
(267) 580-5469 
Fri. 9:30 p.m. Karaoke w/ Paul
Club Atlantis
1858 Street Road Bensalem, PA 
(215) 944-1777 
Sat. 9 p.m. DJ Robbie Tronco 
All Events Ages 21+ and Dress to Impress
Clubhouse at Mountain View (The Patio)
850 Bear Tavern Road Ewing 
(609) 538-0808
Thurs. 7 p.m. Karaoke
Continental Tavern
2 North Main Street Yardley, PA  
(215) 493-9191
Sat. 8 p.m. Joe & Krista
Cooper's Riverview                                                                     
50 Riverview Plaza Trenton
(609) 393-7300 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Cosmic Jerry Band 
Fri. 5 p.m. Happy Hour w/ Rob Silvers (8 p.m.) Se7en w/ DJ Jazzi
Sat. 8 p.m. El Ka Bong
Sun. (10 a.m.) Sunday "Jazz" Brunch w/ Victor Tarassov. $22.95 (Includes 2 Mimosas) $34.95 (Adults, kids ages 6-12 $14.95, kids under age 5 FREE) 
Tues. 5 p.m. Salsa Tuesdays w/ DJ Jay Serrano 
Wed. (7 p.m.) Blues and BBQ Jam (7 p.m.) Complimentary Dance Class w/ Jose "Papo" Diaz (8 p.m.) Disco “Hustle” Night w/ "Guest" DJ. $5   
Cream Ridge Winery
145 Route 539 Cream Ridge 
(609) 259-9797 
Fri. 6 p.m. Gratefulmen. $10 
Sat. 6:30 p.m. Chuck Lambert Band. $10
Sun. 1:30 p.m. Redbird Flying Solo  
Crossing Vineyard and Winery
1853 Wrightstown Road Washington Crossing, PA
(215) 493-6500 
Thurs. 7 p.m. "Dog Days" of Summer (Dog friendly event) 
Fri. 7:15 p.m. "Summer Wine and Music Series" feat. Billy Joel Tribute w/ "Danny V's 52nd Street"  $15 (advance), Doors open at 5 p.m., Ages 21+ 
Sat. 2 p.m. Sweet Spot
Sun. 2 p.m. Bill Thomas   
Cross Pollination Gallery
2 North Union Street Lambertville 
(609) 213-6734
Fri. 5 p.m. "Friday Happy Hour." (Talk art, wine and musicians who bring instruments)
Curran’s Irish Inn
1909 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA
(215) 245-1800
Thurs. 7 p.m. Music Bingo 
Fri. 8 p.m. Ryan Biedermann
Sat. 8 p.m. SoulShine
Mon. 7:30 p.m. Quizzo
Dacey's Pub 
215 West Philadelphia Avenue Morrisville, PA
(215) 295-4838
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Acoustic Music Night 
Wed. 8 p.m. Quizzo                                                                                                                                                        
Dadz Bar and Grill 
744 Main Street Lumberton
Thurs. 7 p.m. Open Mic w/ Jimmy Mannix
Tues. 7 p.m. Open Mic Hosted by Linda
Eddington House Bensalem
2813 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA 
(215) 639-1220 
Fri. 8:30 p.m. EarCandy
Sat. 8:30 p.m. Springbrooke
Sun. 3 p.m. Casey Welborn
Mon. 5:30 p.m. "Family Fun Night" w/ Amazing Balloon Creations by Kelsi-Joe
El Barrio Cantina & Tequila Bar
1470 Buck Road Southampton, PA 
(267) 685-0725 
Sat. 8 p.m. Jason Knorr
Escape Resort, Restaurant & Bar 
120 Pheasant Run Road Newtown, PA 
Fri. 6 p.m. Big Country Acoustic
Tues. 6 p.m. Karaoke
Flying Pig Tavern & Tap 
167 US-Route 130 North Bordentown 
(609) 899-7447
Thurs. 6 p.m. "Cigar Night" w/ Music by Monk & Monk
Fri. 9 p.m. Jon Savage or Asylum Choir
Sat. 9 p.m. Hearing Voices 
Tues. 9 p.m. Karaoke
Wed. 8 p.m. Trivia
Founding Father's Sports Bar & Grill 
2900 Street Road Bensalem, PA 
(215) 923-1100
Fri. 6 p.m. Bob Pantano Dance Party w/ DJ Joe Castro
1031 Washington Boulevard Robbinsville 
(609) 426-9203 
Thurs. 5 p.m. Cruise Night 
Wed. 6 p.m. Open Mic Night Hosted by Kevin McGowan and/or Gino Formaroli (Sign-ups begin at 5:30 p.m.)  
German American Society 
215 Uncle Pete's Road Hamilton 
(609) 585-5200
Fri. 6:30 p.m. The Sound of Billy Joel w/ Chris Pinella
Gleason's Bar
6700 Mill Creek Road Levittown, PA
(215) 943-4781 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Music Bingo / “Ladies Night” Hosted by Best Choice Productions 
Fri. (6 p.m.) "Happy Hour" (8 p.m.) Meshed Up
Sun. 4 p.m. Brian Elliot
Tues. 6:30 p.m. Trivia Night Hosted by Best Choice Productions
Grover's Mill Coffee House 
Princeton-Hightstown Road Princeton Junction   
(609) 716-8771  
Sat. 11 a.m. (TBA)
Thurs. 6 p.m. Open Mic 
Halo Pub
4617 Nottingham Way Hamilton Square 
(609) 586-1811  
Sat. 7 p.m. The Rangers Nouveau
Halo Pub (Fete) 
9 Hullfish Street Princeton 
(609) 921-1710 
Sat. 6 p.m. Liam Sutcliffe Trio
Hamilton Tap & Grill
557 US Route 130 North Hamilton 
(609) 905-0925
Thurs. (4 p.m.) Christmas In July feat. Ugly Tee-shirt Contest, Drink Specials, Toys 4 Tots Drive. (6:30 p.m.) Music Bingo w/ DJ Nebbs  
Sat. 8 p.m. Karaoke
Wed. 7 p.m. Trivia
Hamilton Veterans Park 
1865 Yardville-Hamilton Square Road Hamilton  
Sat. 6:45 p.m. Karate at the Park
Happy Apple Inn 
29 Imlaystown Road Cream Ridge
(609) 259-7889
Thurs. 5:30 p.m. Wyoming Whiskey Tasting. $85 (Includes tasting, dinner, the cocktail of the night)
Havana New Hope
105 S. Main Street New Hope, PA.
(215) 862-9897
Thurs. 7 p.m. Funk & Blues Jam Hosted by The Slidewinder Blues Band
Fri. ( 8 p.m.) ELO Tribute w/ "ELO Tribute Show" $35 (11 p.m. ) DJ Dance Party 
Sat. 9:30 p.m. DJ Summer Dance Party 
Mon. 9 p.m. Karaoke w/ Dwayne
Tues. 7 p.m. Jillian Ashcroft Jazz Quartet 
Wed. 7 p.m. Jumper Duo
Hillbilly Hall
203 Hopewell-Wertsville Road Hopewell  
(609) 466-9856  
Sat. 9 p.m. Summer Party w/ Gravity Hill Band
Hooters of Princeton 
US Route 1 South/Mercer Mall Lawrenceville 
Thurs. 8 p.m. Summer Bikini Show
Hopewell Valley Vineyards
46 Yard Avenue Pennington 
(609) 737-4465 
Fri. 4 p.m. "Music & Merlot" feat. (5:30 p.m.) Christine Havrilla
Sat. (9 a.m.) WWFM Fransisco (1 p.m.) Silent Q (5:30 p.m.) "Music & Merlot" feat. Deb & Mike
Sun. 2:30 p.m. Catmoondaddy
Hurricane Jacks Bar and Grill
7759 New Falls Road Levittown, PA
(267) 914-4517
Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Music Bingo w/ DJ John W. 
Fri. (6 p.m.) Tim Carney (9 p.m.) Harley & Daniel 
Sat. 9 p.m. Justin Lynn Bailey
Mon. 7 p.m. Motown Mondays w/ rotating DJs BeeNice, Rawskillz, JusGroove
Tues. 8 p.m. Acoustic Tuesday w/ Shawn Ryan 
Wed. 7 p.m. Open Mic w/ Laura Fiocco
Il Portico Restorante Italiano 
273 West Route 130 South Burlington
(609) 239-1000 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Jazz Night
Fri. / Sat. 7 p.m. Live Music w/ Tony O
Irish Rover Station House 
1033 South Bellevue Avenue Langhorne, PA 
(215) 970-5412 
Wed. 7 p.m. Quizzo Night
Iron Plow Vineyards
26750 Mount Pleasant Road Columbus 
(732) 306-9111 
Sun. 2 p.m. The Grouser Girls
Iron Plow Vineyards Tasting Room
61 High Street Mt. Holly 
(732) 306-9111
Sat. 6:30 p.m. Jim Sutton & Loose Bandits
John & Peter's
96 S. Main Street New Hope, Pa 
(215) 862-5981 
Thurs. 9 p.m. Chris Harford / Rachel Goodrich
Fri. 9 p.m. Mike Dialto's Standup Comedy
Sat. (3 p.m.) No More Fences  (8 p.m.) Bitchfork, SoLow, The Dustin Manucci Trio.
Sun. (3 p.m.) Fellaheen & Slow Noche (9 p.m.) Up and Orange
Mon. 9 p.m. Open Mic Comedy Night w/ Mike Dialto feat. (Sign-ups start at 8 p.m.) 
Wed. 9 p.m. The Invitational
All shows 21+
Killarney's Publick House
1644 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road Hamilton
(609) 586-1166 
Thurs. 5:30 p.m. Radio Fiction 
Fri. (5:30 p.m.) Kenny Dubman Duo (10 p.m.) DJ Nick & Dom
Sat. (1 p.m.) Ant Cannuli (9 p.m.) DJ Dan
Sun. (10 a.m.) "Sunday Funday" Brunch feat. (12 p.m.) Christmas In July w/ Lofash
King George Inn 
102 Radcliffe Street Bristol, PA
(215) 788-5536 
Sun. 6 p.m. Joe Beckett (Solo of Joe & Krista) (Takes place in the gazebo/patio behind the inn on waterfront)
Lakeside Cafe and Liquors
129 Route 31 North Pennington 
(609) 621-9998 
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Crown Acoustic
Lambertville House 
32 Bridge Street Lambertville
(609) 397-0200 
Fri. 6 p.m. Stranger Things
Laurita Winery 
85 Archertown Road New Egypt 
(609) 752-0200 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Laurita Junior Idol: Semi-finals
Fri. 7 p.m. Awesome '80s Dance Party. $9
Sat. 11 a.m. Wine & Goat Yoga. $40
Lawrenceville Main Street 
17 Phillips Avenue Lawrenceville
(609) 219-9300
Thurs. 6 p.m. "Music In The Park" feat. Rave On (Weeden Park FREE admission) 
Leaping Dog Art Studios 
325 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown
(609) 400-5623
Fri. 7 p.m. Murder Mystery Paint Night
Lillipies Bakery
30 North Harrison Street Princeton 
(609) 423-2100  
Sat. 10 a.m. Storytime with Jeff
Sun. 11 a.m. Don Palombi Trio  
Locust Hall at Johnson's Farm
2691 Monmouth Road Jobstow 
(609) 723-2630  
Sat. (6 p.m.) Christmas In July with Virtua feat Music by Ronnie Brandt (6:30 p.m.) Summer Harvest: Farm to Table Dinner
Logan Inn 
10 West Ferry Street New Hope, PA 
(215) 862-2300
Sun. 7 p.m. James Popik
87a South Main Street New Hope, PA 
(215) 862-2739 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Astrology Readings by Riss Cottrill 
Mon. 6 p.m. Magik "Art Mondays" 
Wed. 6:30 p.m. Open Mic Night hosted by Fayema  
Makefield Highlands Golf Club
1418 Woodside Road Yardley, PA 
(215) 321-7000 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Trivia Hosted by Jack Furlong  
Fri. 6 p.m. Pennington Station Band
McStews Irish Sports Pub
5316 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 
(215) 949-9570 
Sat. 9 p.m. Big Whiskey
Tues. 7:30 p.m. Trivia Night
Mercer County Park (Boathouse at Mercer Lake)
334 South Post Road West Windsor 
(866) 683-3586 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Jersey Surecats
Mercer County Park Festival Grounds 
Hughes Drive/Old Trenton Road West Windsor 
(609) 448-1947 
Fri. 6 p.m. Summer Concert Series: Journey Tribute w/ "Frontiers. ($5 Parking Fee)
Millyard Park 
675 South Clinton Avenue Trenton
Sat. 2 p.m. Mercer County Summer Concert Series feat. Coast 2 Coast
Music Mountain Theater
1483 Route 179 Lambertville
Fri. 8 p.m. "Spring Awakening"
Sat. 3 p.m./ 8 p.m. "Spring Awakening"
Sun. 3 p.m. "Spring Awakening"
Music On Main
25 East Main Street Yardley, PA 
Sat. 6 p.m. De Tierra Cliente
Naked Brewing Company 
212 Mill Street Bristol, PA 
(267) 544-7129
Thurs. 5 p.m. Dana Collins Project 
Fri.  7 p.m. Cara Cartney
Sat. 7 p.m. "Metal Night"
Sun. 11 a.m. Weekend Brunch  
Tues. 7 p.m. Trivia
Wed. 6:30 p.m. Paint & Sip w/ Penelope Fox Art Studio
Nassau Park Pavillion (Behind Panera Bread)
Nassau Park Boulevard West Windsor
Sat. 4 p.m. "Summer Music and More Series" feat. Dan Kassel, Jakeya Limitless
Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company 
909 Ray Avenue Croydon, PA 
(215) 458-7081
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia Night 
Fri. 7 p.m. FREE Movie Night feat. 
Sun. (12 p.m.) Blue's Bootcamp and Brews (2 p.m.) Summer Dollar Days: "Jaws"
Wed. 6:30 p.m. Cornhole League
New Egypt Flea Market Village 
933 Monmouth County Road Cream Ridge 
(609) 758-2082
Sun. 8 a.m. Flea Market 
Wed. 8 a.m. Flea Market
New Hope Winery / Tavern 
6123 Lower York Road New Hope, PA 
(215) 794-2331 
Sat. (1 p.m.) James Popik (8 p.m.) The Music of Neil Young w/ "Broken Arrow" 
Newtown Brewing Company
103 Penns Trail Newtown, PA 
(215) 944-8609 
Thurs. 7:30 p.m. "Useless Knowledge" Trivia 
Sat. 6 p.m. Dana Collins Project
Wed. 4 p.m. Open Mic Night
Nick's Roast Beef
4501 Woodhaven Road West Philadelphia, PA 
(215) 637-515
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Fri. 8 p.m. Dueling Pianos
Sat. 9 p.m. Old School
Sun. 4 p.m. So Easy
Wed. 7 p.m. Karaoke
Nomad Distilling Company
20 South Main Street New Hope, PA
Sun. 10 a.m. Brunch
Nottingham Tavern 
9 Mercer Street Hamilton Square 
(609) 587-6623
Thurs.9:30 pm. Karaoke w/ Super Dave Curtis 
Fri. 9:30 p.m. Joe Zook & Blues Deluxe
Sat. 9:30 p.m. ArHouse
Ages 21+   
Odd Logic Brewing Co. 
500 Bristol Pike, Bristol, PA 
Fri. 5 p.m. Christmas In July Happy Hour Benefitting "Dream Drive" 
O'Fowley's Tavern & Grill 
200 State Road Croydon, PA 
(215) 785-6998 
Fri. 6 p.m. J'MO
Mon. 7 p.m. Music Bingo Hosted by Best Choice Productions w/ DJ John S 
Tues. 7 p.m. Quizzo
Old Hights Brewing 
123 West Ward Street Hightstown 
(609) 469-5976
Fri. 6 p.m. Successful Failures 
Old Town Pub
135 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown 
(609) 291-9232
Thurs. 7 p.m. Quizzoholics Trivia
Fri. 9 p.m. Radio Fiction   
Sat. 9 p.m. Jay Oliver Duo 
Sun. 10 a.m. Brunch
Tues. 6 p.m. Radio Fiction 
Palmer Square 
40 Nassau Street Princeton 
Fri. 8:15 p.m. Movie Nights On the Green: "Freaky Friday"
Sat. 12 p.m. Spring Music Series feat. JB Rocks
Wed. 10 a.m. Storytime on The Green w/ "JaZams" 
Pasquale's Sports Bar 
9078 Mill Creek Road Levittown, PA 
(267) 202-6268 
Thurs. 9 p.m. Beer Pong
Tues. 7 p.m. Music Bingo
Wed. 7 p.m. Karaoke
Patriots Crossing 
1339 River Road Titusville 
(609) 737-2780
Thurs. 8 p.m. Ladies Night  
Wed. 7 p.m. "Quizzo"
Pete's Steak House 
523 Whitehorse Avenue Hamilton
 (609) 585-8008
Fri. 9:30 p.m. Classic Rewind 
Princeton Country Club
1-Wheeler Way West Windsor
(609) 452-9382 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Karaoke Night w/ Live DJ
Fri. 5 p.m. Happy Hour  
Sun. 11 a.m. Jazz Brunch
Princeton Makes 
301 North Harrison Street Princeton 
Sat. 10:30 a.m. "A Fluid Art Experience" w/ Adriana Groz
Puss N Boots Tavern
942 Trenton Road Fairless Hills, PA
Fri. 8 p.m. Karaoke
Tues. 7 p.m. Trivia
Recklesstown Farm Distillery
2800 Route 206 North Columbus
(609) 784-8046 
Sat. 6:30 p.m. Wood & Rye  
River House at Odette’s 
274 South Rive Road New Hope, PA 
(215) 682-2022 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Cara Cartney 
Fri. 7 p.m. CJ Steinway & Olivia Perrin
Sat. 7 p.m. Bob Egan 
Sun. 11:30 a.m. Brunch w/ Dave Dales Duo 
Wed. 5:30 p.m. Joanna Caruso  
Robbinsville Community Concert 
Town Center Lake Drive Gazebo, Robbinsville 
Tues. 7 p.m. Andy Lacanow & Mess Around
Robbinsville Community Park
West Manor Way Robbinsville 
Fri. 8:30 p.m. "Wheels & Reels" Movie Night! : Feat.  Car show and "Minions The Rise of GRU" $5 (Per car load / Takes place at intersection of Gordon and Sharon Roads)
Rose Bank Winery 
258 Durham Road Newtown, PA  
(215) 860-5899
Sat. 2 p.m. "Tastings & Tunes in the Buckman Barn" 
Rosedale Mills 
101 Route 31 North Pennington 
(609) 737-2008 
Sat. 10 a.m. Pennington Farmers Market w/ Music by (TBA) 
Rossi's Bar & Grill
2110 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road Hamilton
(609) 890-2004 
Thurs. 5:30 p.m. Ernie White
Sat. 11 a.m. Brunch 
Sun. 11 a.m. Brunch 
Tues. 7 p.m. Quizzoholics
Sandy's Beef & Ale
2028 E. Old Lincoln Highway Langhorne, PA
(2670 852-2333
Thurs. 8 p.m. Quizzo  
Mon. 7 p.m. Music Bingo
Second Sin Brewing Company
1500 Grundy Lane Bristol, P
(267) 812-5251
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia
Shady Brook Farm 
931 Stony Hill Road Yardley, PA 
(215) 968-1670 
Thurs: 6 p.m. Righteous Jolly
Fri. 6:30 p.m. "UnWINEd" Concert feat. Epic Soul. $12 (advance/online, $15 at door), doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Sat. "Party On The Patio" feat. (2 p.m.) Beast Duo (6:30 p.m.) Cara Cartney
Sun. "Party On The Patio" feat. 2 p.m.  Kim & Chuck  
Sherman Theater/Penn Community Bank Amphitheater 
2400 Byberry Road Bensalem, PA 
Wed. 7 p.m. "Starman" The david Bowie Tribute. (Doors open at 5:30 p.m., tickets available online)
Slim's Irish Pub 
2195 Galloway Road Bensalem, PA
(267) 332-0047
Sat. 9 p.m. Porch
Mon. 6 p.m. Open Mic Night Hosted by Cecil 
Wed. 6 p.m. Karaoke Contest
Small World Coffee 
14 Witherspoon Street Princeton 
(609) 924-4377 x2 
Fri. 6 p.m. SoSI23 Percussion Concert
Sat. 7 p.m. Tom Trovas Duo
Sparky World-Famous Beer Garden
4333 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 
(215) 943-2321 
Thurs. 9 p.m. Karaoke w/ DJ Dana
Sat. 9:30 p.m. 5 Shades of Grey
Sun. 9 p.m. Open Mic Hosted by Cara Cartney
Mon. 9 p.m. Game Night Hosted by Kid Dalton 
Tues. 7 p.m. Johnny Betz 
Wed. 8 p.m. Bogart & Stewart
Steam Pub 
606 2nd Street Pike Southampton, PA 
Fri. 10 p.m. DJ Quigs
1675 at The Ridges
4666 East Bristol Road Trevose, PA
(215) 876-6868
Thurs. 7 p.m. "The Office" Trivia
1675 Spirits 
2685 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA
(215) 645-1445
Thurs. 8 p.m. Kings Highway Comedy Hosted by Ryan Shaner
Fri. 6 p.m. Keep The Change
Tara's Tavern 
1 Cookstown-New Egypt Road, Wrightstown 
(609) 286-2300 
Fri. 8:30 p.m. Karaoke w/ Big Daddy G
Sat. 8:30 p.m. Kenny Dubman  
Tavern On The Lake 
101 Main Street Hightstown 
(609) 426-9345  
Tues. 6 p.m. Trivia 
Wed. 7 p.m. Karaoke 
Temperance House
5 South State Street Newtown, PA 
(215) 944-8050
Thurs. 7 p.m. Steve Guyger and Filthy Rich 
Mon. 7 p.m. Trivia Hosted by Neville Esquire
Tues. 7 p.m. Beginner Line Dance Lessons w/ Jeremy Line Dance. $40/4 Weeks 
Wed. 7 p.m. Open Mic Night w/ Cara Cartney
Terhune Orchards  
330 Cold Soil Road Princeton
(609) 924-2310 
Fri. 5 p.m. "Sunset Sips 'N' Sounds" feat. Catmoondaddy
Sat. 1 p.m. "Weekend Music Series" feat. Allan Wilkinson
Sun. 1 p.m. "Weekend Music Series" feat. Michael Patrick
TGI Fridays 
780 Route 130 South Hamilton
(609) 581-6910 
Sun. 9 p.m. Trivia Game Night / SIN Sundays
TGI Fridays
2703 Mount Holly Road Suite 3 Washington Twp.
(609) 239-486 
Thurs. 7 p.m.  Trivia  
TGI Fridays
3535 U.S. Route 1 North #275 Princeton
(609) 520-0378
Thurs. 8 p.m. Trivia Night 
The Birdhouse Center For The Arts
7 North Main Street Lambertville
(215) 681-4660
Tues. 7:30 p.m. NJNO the "not just nyckelharpa orchestra" Community Orchestra  
The Buck Hotel 
1200 Buck Road Feasterville, PA 
(215) 396-2002 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Kirko
Fri. 8 p.m. Love Junk 
Sat. (11 a.m.) Brunch (9 p.m.) Lobster Tot Martini
The Cool Cricket
216 Burlington Street Fieldsboro
(609) 291-9110
Fri. 9 p.m. Karaoke w/ Dave Curtis
Sat. 9 p.m. Black Zeppelin
The Cure Insurance Center  
81 Hamilton Ave. Trenton  
(609) 656-3200  
Fri. 7 p.m. All Elite Wrestling: Ring of Honor, Death Before Dishonor
Sat. 10:30 a.m. Ayushmann Khurrana and Neeti Mohan  
The Dubliner
34 North Main Street New Hope, PA 
(215) 693-1816
Sat. 7 p.m. Gabriel Donohue
Sun. 3 p.m. "Traditional Irish Session"
The Federal Twist Vineyard 
8 Federal Twist Road Stockton
(609) 773-6066 
Sat. 2 p.m. The Vestapolitans. $5 (Ages 20 and under FREE)
Sun. 2 p.m. Michael Montemurro. $5 (Ages 20 and under FREE)
The Five Four Bar & Grill
8919 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 
(215) 547-5525
Thurs. 8 p.m. Karaoke w/ Paula and Sam 
Fri. 9 p.m. WitZend
Sat. 9 p.m. Sometime In September
Tues. 7 p.m. Music Bingo w/ Jonathan Appel
Wed. 7 p.m. Open Mic Hosted by Chris Benedetti
The HOB Tavern 
146 Second Street Bordentown
(609) 291-7020 
Sat. 7:30 p.m. The Mount Sisters
The Ivy Inn
248 Nassau Street Princeton
(609) 921-8555
Fri. 9:30 p.m. DJ Iron Mike 
Sat. 9:30 p.m. Jah Guide
Tues. 8 p.m. Quizzo w/ Bob E Luv 
Wed./Thurs. 10 p.m. Karaoke w/ Trey Brown  
The Morrisville Tavern 
376 West Trenton Avenue Morrisville, PA
(215) 295-5310
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia
Fri. 8 p.m. Supertrain
Sat. 8 p.m. Luke Disangro
Sun. 3 p.m. Neil Diamond Tribute w/ "Cracklin' Diamond' 
Mon. 7 p.m. Open Mic Night Comedy and Music 
Tues. 7 p.m. Music Bingo
Wed. 7 p.m. Trivia Night
The Penguin Rocks (24 Hour On-Demand Music/Radio) 
Mon. -  Fri. "Radio Jersey" Hosted by Lee Mrowicki 
Sun. - Sat. "Classic Jersey" Hosted by Gary Wien
Sun. - Sat. "Beyond The Palace" Hosted by Lee Mrowicki 
Sun. - Sat. "Danny Coleman's Rock On Radio" feat. Beth Bombara, Maia SharpSun. - Sat. 
Sun. - Sat. "From The Basement" Hosted by Mike Marrone
Sun. - Sat. "Deuce Radio" Hosted by Matt Barker
Sun. - Sat. "Altrok Radio" Hosted by Sean Carolan
Sun. - Sat. "Lighty's Corner" Hosted by Gary Wien 
Sun. - Sat. "The Troubador Show" Hosted by John Godfrey
The Roost
181 Rte. 539 Cream Ridge
(609) 208-0050
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. DC Duo 
Fri. 8 p.m. The Shaykez
Sat. 8 p.m. Even Odds
Wed. 6 p.m. Joe Vadala
The Sycamore Grill
255 North Sycamore Street Newtown, PA
(215) 908-6326 
Fri. 8:30 p.m. Kickbax Acoustic Trio
Sat. 8 p.m. Stage Left
The Tavern at Penns Park 
2295 Second Street Pike Newtown, PA
(267) 491-5658
Fri. 8 p.m. Jeds Gold
Wed. 7 p.m. Music Bingo w/ Jonathan Appel 2nd Wed 
The Union Firehouse
18 Washington Street Mount Holly
(609) 288-6491
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Open Mic Night 
Sat. 8 p.m.  Bent Mushroom. Doors open at 7 p.m. 
Thomas Sweet Ice Cream
183 Nassau Street Princeton  
(609) 683-8720 
Sat. 7 p.m. Backtrack
Tindall Road Brewing Co.
102 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown
(609) 526-8651 
Sat. 7 p.m. Bob Banka
Tir Na Nog 
1324 Hamilton Avenue Trenton 
(609) 392-2554
Sun. 3 p.m. "Irish Sessions"
All Shows 21+
Trenton Social
449 South Broad Street Trenton
(609) 989-7777
Thurs. 5 p.m. "Happy Hour Throwback Thursday
Sat. 9 p.m. Live Music (TBA)
Mon. 6 p.m. "Monday Night Karaoke" Hosted by Sweets
Triple Sun Spirits
126 South State Street Newtown, PA
(215) 944-3057  
Fri. 8 p.m. Aaron Quarterman
Sat. 8 p.m. Steve Tourison
Wed. 7 p.m. Quizzo w/ Ed Packer
Under The Moon 
23 North Union Street Lambertville
(609) 397-1710
Fri. 6 p.m. Greg McGarvey
Sat. (12 p.m.) Matt Gordeuk  (6 p.m.) The Conversation
Wed. 5:30 p.m. Matt Gordeuk
23 Hankins Road Hightstown
(609) 635-3572
Thurs. (7 p.m.) Beginner Bachata (8 p.m.) Beginner Salsa. $18 
Fri. (7 p.m.) Advanced Bachata (8 p.m.) Advanced Salsa. $18
Vault Brewing Company
10 South Main Street Yardley, PA 
(267) 573-4291
Fri. 7 p.m. Acoustic Keys Duo
Sat. 7 p.m. Dave Posmontier Trio
VFW Post 491
9 Fisher Place Yardville 
(609) 585-9645 
Fri. 6 p.m. Slugger O'Toole
All shows ages 21+
Village Idiot Brewing Company
42 High Street Mount Holly
(609) 975-9270 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia
Wildflowers Inn
2572 Pennington Road Pennington 
(609) 773-239
Thurs. 6 p.m. Rob Silvers
Working Dog Winery
610 Windsor Perrineville Road Hightstown
(609) 371-6000
Thurs. 4:30 p.m. Justin Love
Sat. 1 p.m. Kevin McGowan
Sun. 1 p.m. Spoondrift
WWFM 89.1 FM HD2 Radio
MCCC Old Trenton Road West Windsor
Mon. 7 p.m. "Danny Coleman's Got The Blues"
Yankee Doodle Tap Room 
10 Palmer Square Princeton 
(609) 921-7500 
Fri. 6 p.m. Dueling Pianos Night

Danny Coleman is a veteran musician and writer from central New Jersey. He hosts a weekly radio program entitled 'Rock On Radio' airing Sunday evenings at 7:00pm EST on where he features indie/original bands and solo artists.



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or region of New Jersey
click here for our advanced search.


Pride Night at McCarter

Friday, March 28, 2025 @ 6:00pm
McCarter Theatre Center (Matthews Theatre)
91 University Place, Princeton, NJ 08540
category: music



Back to the Garden 1969 - The Woodstock Experience

Friday, March 28, 2025 @ 7:30pm
Bell Theater
101 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
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Las Guaracheras

Friday, March 28, 2025 @ 7:00pm
Grunin Center - Studio Theater
1 College Drive, Toms River, NJ 08754
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Jason Ricci

Friday, March 28, 2025 @ 7:30pm
Lizzie Rose Music Room
217 E. Main Street, Tuckerton, NJ 08087
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Music Faculty Showcase: Piano Day

Saturday, March 29, 2025 @ 3:00pm
Kean Stage - Enlow Recital Hall
215 North Avenue, Hillside, NJ 07205
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StocktonPAC presents The Drifters on April 12

(GALLOWAY, NJ) -- The Drifters, considered one of rock 'n' roll's founding vocal groups, will perform on the mainstage of Stockton University's Performing Arts Center on Saturday, April 12, 2025. Showtime is 7:30pm.


Borgata Event Center presents Bonnie Raitt

(ATLANTIC CITY, NJ) -- Borgata Event Center presents Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Bonnie Raitt on Saturday, April 19, 2025 at 8:00pm. Larry John McNally will open the night.


2025 Cape May Music Festival Preview

(CAPE MAY, NJ) -- Now celebrating its 36th year, the annual Cape May Music Festival presented by Cape May MAC (Museums+Arts+Culture), with major support from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, returns to this seaside resort with an engaging variety of musical concerts that launch on Memorial Day weekend. There are 14 classical, chamber, jazz, funk and brass band musical performances, some free to attend, from May 25-June 28, 2025.


Vibraphonist Chuck Redd and Pianist John DiMartino are Returning to Jersey Jazz LIVE! in Madison

(MADISON, NJ) -- There aren't many jazz musicians who double on vibraphone and drums. One of them, Chuck Redd, will be bringing his vibes to the Madison (NJ) Community Arts Center, on Sunday, April 6, 2025, in a return engagement with pianist John DiMartino. Redd and DiMartino last performed at the November 2023 Jersey Jazz LIVE!


A Look At Upcoming Concerts in William Paterson University's Jazz Room Series

(WAYNE, NJ) -- William Paterson University's Jazz Room Series has several shows coming in April and May. The lineup includes performances by Camille Thurman, Chico Alvarez with the William Paterson Latin Jazz Ensemble, Christian McBridge & Bill Charlap Duo, and Will Downing. All shows take place at the Shea Center for Performing Arts.