(NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ) -- Rutgers-New Brunswick Libraries Special Collections and University Archives presents "Exploring Special Collections and University Archives" - a ZOOM webinar on Wednesday, March 31 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. Achivist Kate Van Riper and National Association of Women Artists Collection (NAWA) leaders will discuss the history of the 132-year-old association and its advocacy for women in the art world.
Click here to register for the webinar.
Speakers include Kate Van Riper, Archivist; Jill Cliffer Baratta, Vice President, NAWA; and Penny Dell, NAWA Board of Directors.
They will explore the history of NAWA through catalogs, photographs, letters, and ephemera, as well as showcase artwork from the collection that will be of interest to art lovers, researchers, history enthusiasts, and more.
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