(MONTCLAIR, NJ) -- Studio Montclair (SMI) presents “State of the Art 2020”— their first virtual exhibit—available for viewing now. This online exhibit represents SMI’s efforts to continue promoting opportunities for viewing and/or purchasing the outstanding and diverse artwork of SMI members. A percentage of the sales of nearly 200 works will be donated to Toni’s Kitchen or a local charity of the artist’s choice.
While the exhibit can be viewed permanently at www.studiomontclair.online, works will only be available for purchase through August 31, 2020.
The “State of the Art 2020” collection demonstrates a diverse range of artistry from SMI members. The works span the traditional to contemporary and include painting, sculpture, printmaking, collage, assemblage, drawing, photography, ceramics, and more. In addition to displaying the art itself, SMI strives to give viewers insight into the artist’s conceptual thinking and methodology with accompanying artist statements. Artwork can also be filtered by up to 30 tags.
“State of the Art 2020” also encompasses works by SMI’s nonprofit organizational partners, GlassRoots, Arts Access at Matheny, and JSDD’s WAE Center.
In addition to “State of the Art 2020” SMI is also providing a platform for any artist who wishes to display work that has been created during the pandemic. The Pandemic Gallery can be viewed by following the Instagram hashtag #smipandemic gallery or go to www.pandemic.gallery.
Studio Montclair is an inclusive, nationwide non-profit organization of exhibiting, professional and emerging artists and others interested in the visual arts. The mission of the organization is to promote culture, education, equality, and tolerance through art. Studio Montclair is committed to diversity at every level. Founded in 1997, the organization includes over 500 members. For more information, contact smi@studiomontclair.org, or call 862-500-1447.
IMAGES: (TOP) Chad Mooney: Garibaldi Lake, Photograph
(MIDDLE) Wobbe F. Koning: Downfall, Assemblage, 3D prints
(BOTTOM) J. Steven Patton: Your Fight is Our Fight, Painting | Nette Forné Thomas: Sisterhood Shield, Watercolor inks on clayboard
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