On May 18th, RockAgainstHate.org will release their second compilation for download featuring songs from more than 20 acts, from New Jersey and around the globe, to raise money for Planned Parenthood and The Trevor Project.
"As this country continues to be very divisive, and hate is on the rise, my friends and I wanted to continue to do something positive", says Lazlo (founder of BlowUpRadio.com and curator of 'Rock Against Hate' Compilation). "Since my friends happen to be musicians, a compilation to benefit some worthy causes seemed the best course of action."
All the songs on this compilation are original songs that in some way showcase activism, social issues, or protest. As that can be left open to individual interpretation, this album is wide ranging in subject matter and styles of music.
“Rock Against hate” is $10 (with all money going to Planned parenthood or The Trevor Project), and features music from: A Halo Called Fred, Above The Moon, Ancient Babies, Aquino, Ben Singer, Bern & The Brights, Beth Wimmer, BrainStorm, Catherine Wacha, Colie Brice, Danny Rongo, Deena, Dock Watch Hollow, Dw. Dunphy, Frank Patrouch, Hal Guitarist, John Van Ness, Just Some Punk(s), Laree Cisco, Lion-Hearted, The Fisherman & The Sea, The Hobonauts, Tris McCall, Wiser Time
Complete track listing, and pre-sale links are posted at www.RockAgainstHate.org
As is posted on their website, RockAgainstHate.org: The people associated with this compilation probably don't all share the same opinion on many things, but we all agree on this:
1. Hate crimes are not an appropriate response, ever!
2. The organizations this compilation is benefiting, Planned Parenthood and The Trevor Project, are just two of many worthy causes that will be in desperate need of funding over the next four years.
Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide.
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.
Lazlo (curator of Rock Against Hate) created BlowUpRadio.com in 2000 as an internet radio station & website to promote New Jersey’s local original music scene. In more than 17 years, BlowUpRadio.com has raised money for many non-profit associations, most notably the Spondylitis Association Of America, with which they do an annual series of benefits dubbed, Banding Together. On June 2nd they will also be hosting a benefit webathon, Rock The Lup, for the Lupus Research Alliance.
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