Banner ads are only part of what we do...
In addition to putting your ads in front of a local audience (targeted to the genre), we work at getting your events noticed and help you sell tickets. We do this via a mix of editorial, social media, and website features along with the advertising. Essentially, our goal is to keep you regularly seen at New Jersey Stage.
Advertisers get:
* Event pages (individual web pages) for every performance
* Event calendar maintained by New Jersey Stage each week
* Upgraded editorial (turns shows previews into PREVIEWS AND FEATURES for more exposure)
* Event pages and previews spotlighted the week of the show in our Tuesday event columns
* Event pages and previews are spotlighted with the NJ Stage Advanced Search that lets events be found within parts of the state or by genre
* Upgraded link directory listings with social media links and a webpage listing all of the events we have in the New Jersey Stage calendar
* Whether you send out press releases or not, New Jersey Stage will run previews of your shows to keep you in the news
* Promotion on our Instagram page (every Monday through Friday, we run a list of the articles published the previous day and highlight one story - generally one of our advertisers)
* First priority when it comes to running stories or news for the day
* A bonus free ad to promote your annual gala or fundraiser
or region of New Jersey
click here for our advanced search.
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